Student/Parent Handbook
- Absences, Attendance, Tardies
- Absences and Reporting
- Arrival & Dismissal Times
- Behavior Expectations
- Campus Access
- Campus Policies
- Campus Visitors
- Change of Address/Contact Information
- Delay and Tardy
- Dress Code and Appearance
- Electronic Devices (Personal)
- Emergency Preparedness
- Health Services
- Hearing and Vision Screening
- Illness
- Injuries
- Library and Library Book Policy
- Medical/Dental Appointment
- Medication
- Personal Items
- Report Cards
- State Testing
- Student/Teacher/Parent Goal-Setting Conferencing
- Suspension and Expulsion
- Truancy
Absences, Attendance, Tardies
An absence is defined as not attending class. There are two types of absences: EXCUSED and UNEXCUSED. An absence is excused if it is for one of the following reasons:
- Illness or injury
- Medical appointment
- Bereavement for a family member
- Court appearances
Most absences due to reasons other than those listed above are considered unexcused, including personal vacation days. Extenuating circumstances will be handled on an individual basis by the Front Office.
Absences and Reporting
If a student will be absent or late for school, the absence/partial absence needs to be reported by either completing the daily absence form or to the 24-hour Attendance Line at 408-252-5265 extension 6. When reporting:
- State the student’s name, spelling the last name
- State the teacher’s name and the classroom number
- State the date(s) of absence. For a partial day absence, indicate the reason for the delay and the time in which the student will arrive at school.
- State a reason for the absence (illness, medical, dental, etc.). If a reason is not given, the absence will be marked unexcused.
- Leave a telephone number in case the Front Office has questions
If the student’s absence is not called in to the Attendance Line on the day of the absence, the absence will be marked as UNEXCUSED. The Attendance Secretary will follow up with a telephone call on the day of the absence.
Arrival & Dismissal Times
Behavior Expectations
Campus Access
CLIP is a closed campus for the safety and security of our students and staff. Students may not leave the school campus during school hours. Community members may not enter campus through the open gates by the field during school hours.
If a student needs to be picked up before the normal dismissal time, it is helpful to notify the student’s teacher ahead of time and/or Front Office in advance via telephone or email. The student must be “signed out” in the office. It is also helpful to notify the Front Office in advance should someone else be signing out the student other than the parent/guardian with information such as the student name and person/relationship who is doing the signing out.
Campus Policies
Students are not to arrive at school before 8:15 am, as there is no staff supervision on campus before that time. Students are to wait for their teachers at their classroom line. Given the young age of Kindergarten students, parents of Kindergarten students must wait in line with them.
Students need to be picked up promptly at 2:35 (K-3rd) and 3:05 (4th & 5th) dismissal times, 2:00 (all grades) on Tuesdays. Kindergarten students must be picked up at their classroom doors. 1st-5th Grade students may walk out to their pre-designated pick up area.
For those parents with students at both grade levels who wish to wait on campus for the upper grade dismissal time or for after school classes that start later, the covered eating area is the designated wait area until the 3:05 dismissal. Children need to remain under the close, direct supervision of their parents at the picnic tables for safety reasons. Upper graders are in session and teachers are planning or collaborating, thus an effective learning environment needs to be maintained for all. The blacktop, grass, and play structures need to be kept available for upper grade instruction and PE time. The Calabazas Library and Calabazas Park are just a short walk away for other after school activities.
The CLIP play structures, blacktop, field, hallways, and GLC are closed to students until 3:05 when school is officially dismissed. There is no certificated staff supervision provided after school. Students who are not picked up are directed to go to the Front Office for safety reasons. Parents whose children habitually remain on campus past the dismissal time without adult supervision may be contacted by Administration to develop a plan for punctual pick up as a friendly reminder. Being that we are under resourced with the ability to monitor this on a daily basis, we appreciate your support in closely supervising your own child(ren) from 2:35 - 3:05 at the covered lunch table area. A sincere “Thank You” to parents, families and caregivers for their help in providing an optimal academic learning environment for every child while school is in session.
Campus Visitors
Education Code Section 32210 states that all visitors, including parents, volunteers and district employees, must sign in at the office when school is in session. This policy is to ensure safety and order on campus and to minimize classroom disruptions. Each visitor must wear a school tag at all times during the visit.
Stop in at the office to sign in before heading to a classroom for volunteering. Do not hesitate to ask another adult to stop by the office to check in if visitor’s badge is not visible.
Change of Address/Contact Information
Notify the Front Office immediately of any changes in address, telephone numbers, emails, and emergency contacts. District policy states that a change of residence must be reported to the school office within ten (10) days of moving. Failure to provide current residency information could result in the withdrawal of a student.
Delay and Tardy
Students who arrive after the 8:30 am “start of school bell” are considered late and must obtain a late slip. Late arrivals create a disruption in the classroom and cause students to miss instructional time. Make sure your child arrives at school in enough time to be standing in their classroom line no later than 8:30 am. Late slips will be given starting at 8:30 am. Students arriving to school late must stop by the office first to receive their late slip and be counted as present that day.
Kindergartners must be dropped off directly to their classroom teacher at their classroom door at 8:30 AM. Similarly, Kindergartners must be picked up by their parent/guardian at dismissal time at their classroom doors.
A delay is defined as coming to school within 29 minutes after the 8:30 am bell has rung.
A tardy is defined as coming to school 30 minutes or more after the 8:30 am bell has rung.
Excessive lateness will result in a CUSD attendance letter, phone conversation or in person meeting with the Attendance Secretary or Administration to develop a plan for punctuality. Excessive lateness is not a matter to be taken lightly. California law states that the parent/guardian is obligated to compel the regular, on-time attendance of their child(ren) at school. If excessive lateness persists, a referral may be made to the district School Attendance Review Board (SARB).
Dress Code and Appearance
CUSD policy stipulates that students should wear “clean and safe clothes appropriate for all school activities.” Clothing should not distract from the focus on learning. Parents are encouraged to work together with their children to choose clothing that is appropriate for school.
- All clothing shall be neat, clean, modest, in good repair, and of appropriate size and fit.
- Students should wear shoes that are appropriate for physical education activities every school day. Open toe, flip flops, slippers, or shoes without a strap around the heel is inappropriate for physical education purposes.
- Short shorts, short dresses, tank tops, and/or shirts that show the midriff and belly button are not permitted. Shorts, skirts, and dresses should be fingertip length when arms are held straight at the sides. Tank tops straps should be at least one inch wide.
- Cosmetics are inappropriate at the elementary school age.
- Clothing or accessories that display obscene language, refer to drugs, gangs, or have pictures of cigarettes, alcohol, or violence are not permitted.
- Hats may be worn outdoors by students during school hours. Hats are expected to be taken off indoors.
If a student is dressed inappropriately, parents may be contacted by the Front Office to bring a change of clothing.
Electronic Devices (Personal)
Students are not to bring personal electronic games/devices to school.
The misuse of these items can lead to exclusion of others, off task behavior, theft, and/or physical violence. Cellular phones must be kept in the student’s backpack at all times and must be turned off during the school day, including recess, passing periods, and lunch. Failure to abide by this policy may result in the item being confiscated by school staff. CLIP-Muir and CUSD cannot be responsible for lost or damaged personal belongings.
Emergency Preparedness
For the safety of the students and staff, emergency drills are (e.g. fire, earthquake, critical incident) on a scheduled basis throughout the school year.
- Fire Drill – monthly
- Disaster Drill, including Earthquake Drill – once a year (includes parent participation)
- Lockdown – Shelter In Place and Run, Hide, Defend
Parent Preparation
- Be sure that the student’s health and emergency card (on file in the office) has accurate and current information. Make sure emergency contacts are listed on the card. Inform the people listed that they are authorized to take the student in the event of an emergency.
- Parents/guardians need to let their child(ren) know who might be picking them up in the event of an emergency. Parents/guardians need to reassure their child(ren) that they will be cared for until pick up. Children who are prepared experience less fear.
- It is encouraged for families to have an emergency plan in place at home. The plan may include designated meeting locations and emergency supplies (including food). All students should memorize two-three important phone numbers in which family members or other trusted adults can be reached in the event of an emergency.
If an Emergency Occurs…
- Remain calm. The school is probably one of the safest places to be in the event of an emergency. School personnel must remain with all students. CLIP-Muir follows an emergency protocol, and all staff are trained and prepared to take care of students.
- Do not telephone the school. If local phone lines are working, they will be needed for emergency personnel. If the emergency calls for evacuation, no one will be in the buildings.
- Walk or bike to CLIP-Muir. Leave the street free for emergency vehicles.
- Go to the field/grass area towards the back of the school. If the emergency calls for evacuation, CLIP-Muir’s designated congregation area is the field/grass. Staff are on hand to reunite parent/guardian and child.
- Volunteer to help. Report to the Command Center (located on the basketball courts) to help with traffic, first aid, calming children, etc.
- If the parent/guardian is delayed and finds the school has been evacuated, look for a notice posted on the Front Office or around the school to find out where the remaining students and staff have been moved to. CLIP-Muir’s primary location for an off campus evacuation is Calabazas Park.
Health Services
Nurses are at school on an on-call basis. The Front Office staff is trained to provide first aid. Illness and injury that occur at home should not be referred to the school for care. A notice is sent home if a student has been exposed to a contagious illness (e.g. strep throat, chicken pox) in the classroom.
Hearing and Vision Screening
All students in 1st, 2nd, 5th Grades, and Special Day Class students will have a hearing screening in small groups by a credentialed audiometrist. Each student wears a pair of earphones to listen to tones of varying frequencies. If a student is unable to pass the group screening, s/he is then re-checked individually.
All Kindergarten, 2nd, 5th Grades, and Special Day Class students will have a vision screening, and all 1st Grade boys will have a color vision screening.
Parents/guardians of students whom the School Nurse deems as needing medical follow-up after the hearing and vision screenings will be notified in writing.
A child should not be in school when s/he has experienced any of the following within the past 24 hours:
- Undiagnosed rash
- Nausea or vomiting, or has vomited during the night
- Diarrhea – even if you suspect food poisoning
- Severe headache or migraine
- Frequent coughing
- Evidence of a communicable disease such as a rash, swelling or unusual sores
- Undiagnosed fever of 100 degrees or higher
- If a child has had a fever, s/he may not return to school until it has been normal for 24 hours without the use of medicine
- Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
- Runny nose with copious discharge or severe congestion
- Complaints of feeling ill when s/he was home the day before or felt ill before coming to school
If a student develops a new medical condition or requires special arrangements or medications during the school day, it is important to let the school and the school nurse know immediately. If a condition exists that could lead to a medical emergency, the School Nurse will develop an Individualized School Healthcare Plan.
Students injured while at school are cared for in the following ways:
- A teacher may inspect the injury and may keep the student under observation in the classroom.
- For a more serious injury, the student is sent to the Front Office for first aid. The student’s name and action taken are recorded. The office staff are CPR and First Aid certified.
- If a student receives a blow to the head, the office staff will notify the parent of the incident whether it appears serious or not.
If there is a severe accident, including a deep cut, possible fracture or dislocation, or any accident requiring immediate medical attention, the parent will be notified and asked to pick up their child. In emergency cases, the paramedics will also be called. No student will be sent home until the parent/guardian is contacted and plans are made for transportation.
Library and Library Book Policy
Students may use the school library for research or to check out books according to the following rules:
- Kindergarten and 1st Grade students are allowed to check out one book each week
- 2nd-5th Grade students are allowed to check out two books each week; a third book is allowed if needed for a class assignment or project
Single renewals are allowed on all items. Notices are sent home when a book is overdue. Fines are not levied on overdue books. However, students with overdue library books lose their checkout privileges until the late items are returned. If a book is lost or destroyed, then a fine is levied. If a book is found after fines have been paid, a refund is given upon request. As per district reimbursement guidelines, a copy of the cleared check, front and back, must be provided in order to be reimbursed. Contact Mrs. Mallison directly with questions related to lost or destroyed books.
Medical/Dental Appointment
Make appointments before or after school hours or on days when school is not in session. When this is not possible and the student needs to be taken out during school hours, the parent/guardian must come to the Front Office to sign out.
If the student will return to school after the appointment, the parent/guardian must sign him/her in at the Front Office. If the student will be late for school due to medical/dental appointments, the parent will need to call in the partial absence to the 24-hour Attendance Line before 8:30 am and bring a note from the doctor/dentist for verification.
California Education Code Section 49423 allows the School Nurse or other designated school personnel to assist students who need to take medication during the school day. This service is provided to enable the student to remain in school to maintain the continuity of learning.
To use this service, parents/guardians and the student’s physician must sign a Medication Authorization Form, which is to be kept on file in the Front Office. The Medical Authorization Form is valid for one school year. This form can be accessed online from the Meyerholz website or picked up in the Front Office.
All medication prescriptions must be current and supplied in original prescription bottles with the pharmacy labels attached. Parents/guardians may request the pharmacist to divide the medication into two bottles completely labeled, one for home and one for school. The medication must be prescribed to the student to whom it will be administered.
Students are not allowed to bring medicine to school, even cough drops. This is for the safety of all students. No medications, including over-the-counter medications, will be administered at school without a signed Medication Authorization Form.
Parents/guardians must pick up all medication from the Front Office at the end of the school year. Any medication not picked up at the end of the school year will be discarded.
Personal Items
Students are not to bring personal trading cards, toys, electronic games, or other personal items as such to school. The misuse of these items can lead to exclusion of others, off task behavior, theft, and/or physical violence. Cellular phones must be kept in the student’s backpack at all times and must be turned off during the school day, including recess, passing periods, and lunch. Failure to abide by this policy may result in the item being confiscated by school staff. Meyerholz and CUSD cannot be responsible for lost or damaged personal belongings.
Report Cards
State Testing
Each spring, 3rd-5th Grade students take the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP). Results from these assessments, other district assessments, curriculum-related assessments, and daily assessments used by the teachers evaluate students’ progress, plan daily instruction, and help strengthen academic programs.
Student/Teacher/Parent Goal-Setting Conferencing
Student-Parent-Teacher Conference takes place in early October. The purpose of this conference is to set annual goals; however, a parent should contact the teacher at any time if a conference is needed – if there is a concern or if there is information that may be helpful to the teacher in being more effective working with a student. Note that teachers are not available for conferences or phone calls during school hours.
Suspension and Expulsion
California State law, California Education Code regulations, and CUSD policy require the immediate suspension and recommendation for expulsion of a student who possesses or furnishes a firearm, knife, explosive or other dangerous object on school grounds or at school events off the school grounds.
The following are not allowed on any CUSD school campus:
- Firearms, firecrackers, rockets, explosives, or any other similar dangerous objects
- Knives, including kitchen knives, plastic knives, pocket knives, and rubber knives
- Toy weapons, including squirt guns or plastic type guns
- Alcoholic beverages
- Illegal drugs
- Smoking
- Matches and lighters
- Inappropriate magazines, books, and comic books of any description
Truancy, as defined by the California Legislature, states that “a student missing more than 30 minutes of instruction without an excuse three times during the school year” must be classified and reported as such. The law also states that the school district must notify the parent/ guardian with specific information related to the student’s unexcused absences or missing more than 30 minutes of instruction.
A student is deemed habitual truant after an unexcused “three or more times in one school year and after appropriate school employee has made a conscientious effort to hold at least one meeting with the parent and the student.”
Truancy is not a matter to be taken lightly. California law states that the parent/legal guardian is obligated to compel the regular, on-time attendance of their child(ren) at school. Personal vacation days (those not set by the district) are considered unexcused absences. If truancy persists, a referral will be made to the district School Attendance Review Board (SARB).